Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Exit Through the Gift Shop

Recently the trailer for an upcoming movie, "Exit Through the Gift Shop" was released. This movie is made (or is at least about) the elusive street artist Banksy and his plight as an anonymous social commentator through the use of graffiti and public installations (usually without anyone's permission). His work is satirical, usually about pop culture, politics, or the pitfalls of society. He's painted on the Israeli West Bank barrier and even entered the Louvre in Paris, hanging a replica of the Mona Lisa with a smiley face replacing hers. I'm not sure how I feel about him as an artist - some of his pieces definitely are clever and they're successful in completely stripping so many situations and people of their "grandeur". He's interesting and has definitely paved the way for more graffiti artists to become successful through its popularity, but with books and now a movie - not to mention so many artists virtually replicating his style - it's hard to say it doesn't grow old after a while. Almost like Warhol? Anyway - check out the trailer and if you want to look at some of Banksy's work his website is

Hannah Scott

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