Sunday, April 4, 2010

Seeing in lines

When I was attending Pitt State a few years ago, I was assigned a reading about a man, an artist, that always had drawn things in perfect perspective. The reading was interesting in that the man was describing how he always saw things in lines, or rather forced himself to see in lines until it became normal for him to do so. He saw vanishing points for everyday objects as well. This made things easy for him to draw because he already saw everything as a drawing. This seemed very strange to me, but also very interesting. For the next week, I am going to be working on my drawings in my sketchbook focusing on perspective and drawing what I see more accurately. I encourage every to try to look at things a little differently, not only in lines, but in any form that you see fit. I think it is very important for artists to look at everything differently, I think it is what makes us artists.

-Aaron Rivera

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